Business challenge.

The sheer volume of customer interactions presents one of the most significant challenges in customer service. Enterprises may receive millions of inquiries each day, and with limited customer service agents and time, the workload can be overwhelming.

Moreover, outdated technology and system silos can hinder agents' ability to quickly understand customer needs and provide optimal solutions.

The automation + generative AI solution.

  • checkmark Automation powered by generative AI reviews and processes large volumes of incoming inquires with lightning speed and categorizes them based on the intent of the queries.
  • checkmark Categorizes on the information fed into the automation system, only urgent cases are routed to agents to review and approve, ensuring high quality service responses for complex customer inquiries and enhancing overall customer experience.

Use generate AI to automate responses.

Automation with generative AI can leverage your existing knowledge base while adhering to standard procedures.​


faster email triage


customer satisfaction and loyalty


agent experience and employee retention

Use trusted generative AI to automate responses while adhering to standard procedures.

Automation + AI speeds email triage time by 40%.​


Customer email received ​


Automation scans email and fetches case file from a Salesforce report.


AI scans email content to determine the intent and urgency of the inquiry.

Generative AI

AI references knowledge base to determine next best action.

automate Human interaction Generative AI

For complex inquiries:

Automation composes email with a pre-populated message including order details, and sends it to agent for final review and approval.​
Generative AI
Generative AI

For simple questions:

Generative AI automates responses based on the existing knowledge base.​

Automation updates records in Salesforce and sends the email to the customer.



Human interaction

Human interaction

 Generative AI

Generative AI

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