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  • Get The Full Story With RPA Analytics

There are plenty of reasons to love data. The insights it provides drive the decisions we make in life, big or small. Whether it’s in sports, our jobs, or managing our finances, numbers are our friend. Without data, we’re flying blind, and if left to our own devices, we end up making crucial decisions based on just a hunch or gut feeling.

RPA  analytics can fill out the story so that we make smarter, more informed decisions based on data—and not just feelings. For your intelligent automation program, the analytics can tell you everything from bot performance to data trends, or better yet, offer operational analytics and business insights. Consider in more detail what that can mean in terms of your intelligent automation program and organization.

How healthy are your bots?

As mentioned earlier, one key factor to optimizing your program is to analyze your bot performance, and the way to do that is through operational analytics. Whether you’ve deployed 1 or 1,000 bots, it’s important to understand the health of your bots such as which bots are performing the best? What are the technical efficiencies? Which bots have failed? Operational analytics can provide real-time and historical information at the task and process level about your deployed bots, allowing you to monitor and enhance your Digital Workforce’s performance.

What’s your ROI?

As a business leader who is running an RPA platform, you’ll want to know whether or not you’re making a return on investment from the money you’ve already spent on implementing your RPA program. With analytics, you’re able to understand, manage, and optimize your business performance through the insights of your processes flowing through your RPA bots.

Every process that is automated involves many pieces of raw data that can easily be converted into business insights, helping you make better decisions. This data can tell you about your revenue growth, cost savings, productivity improvements, and help you understand whether or not you’re operating your business in the most effective manner. With business insights, you can make strategic decisions for continuous optimization.

Where to start

To learn more about how to optimize your intelligent automation program through the power of data and analytics, take a look at our analytics tool, Bot Insight. It’s the only web-based, cloud-native embedded RPA analytics tool that gives you real-time operational and business insights through automatic dashboards.

Get the Full Story Now.

About Ashraf Aziz

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Ashraf Aziz is a product marketing manager and a lover of all things innovative. His background is in networking and automation.

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