Customer Quote

Our company realized that we needed to have a digital transformation take place to start taking advantage of new technology and really empower our employees to be able to do their jobs better and faster.

RPA Program Manager

Customer achievements.

Customer Achievements


in monthly savings


increase in collections letters sent


automations deployed in two years

Strategic automation partnership boosts efficiency and engagement at telecom company.

Teaming up with Lydonia Technologies and Automation Anywhere, the telecommunications company embarked on a transformative journey, leveraging automation to tackle its business challenges.

With a focused, dedicated team, the company swiftly implemented automation solutions throughout the organization, aiming for 25 new automations each quarter. These solutions not only streamlined processes but also elevated employee engagement, resulting in significant cost savings.

One of the organization's most successful automations involved sending dunning letters to notify customers of past-due invoices. The collections department, limited to sending 200 letters monthly, experienced a staggering 108x increase through automation, delivering 17,722 email notifications and 3,811 postal letters. Additionally, the company automated credit checks, accelerating the screening of potential new clients and drastically reducing the time spent on its manual restrict/restore services processes.

A crucial element in the company’s success has been the unwavering support from leadership at every level, coupled with active participation from team members who regularly utilize the automations. To ensure seamless development and execution, all of the organization's automation developers are Automation Anywhere certified, enabling support team members to work on any automation while maintaining consistency and quality.

Processes automated.

  • New business credit checks
  • Restrict/restore processes
  • Collections reconciliation

Customer overview.

This telecommunications leader provides advanced communications and technology solutions to businesses throughout North America.

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