Handling benefits like Paid Time Off (PTO) that accrues from one pay period to the next can be labor and resource-intensive. It's prone to errors and often leads to HR issues.

Automated vacation accrual systems streamline the entire process into one easy-to-use system that will take the stress out of vacations. Set custom criteria for accrual, set up notifications, and create a user-friendly database employees and bookkeeping staff can both use. And because you're not limited to only vacation accrual, you can integrate it with accounting and HR software like Workday and BambooHR for maximum efficiency.

It can be particularly difficult to keep track of PTO accruals when you have a global company. How do you keep track of vacation accruals across different states? What about different countries with their various regulations and policies? RPA, is a game-changer, pulling all that data together with minimum effort.

What are the benefits of vacation accrual automation and process automation in HR?

Vacation accrual automation is just one of the process automations in HR that will reduce costs, eliminate mistakes, and provide employees and department staff with a better overall experience. And while you can use bots to create complex systems, many HR tasks can be completed with simple-yet-powerful, no-code RPA.

Eliminate Human Errors

Eliminate Human Errors

Vacation accrual and other benefits can be challenging to maintain without errors. And the more people accessing these systems, the higher the possibility of there being mistakes. Automated vacation accrual systems eliminate errors.

Improve Usability and Transparency

Improve Usability and Transparency

Automated vacation accrual and HR systems allow employees to see their paid time off and other benefits. In addition, PTO requests can be pushed to a company PTO calendar for the company and/or team visibility. HR professionals find these systems easy to use and communicate with the employees they look after.

Save Skilled Hours

Save Skilled Hours

Automated systems can do all the work, bots work 24/7, entering, updating and syncing employee data in minutes, not hours. One life insurance company used automated bots to process a 60,000 record backlog. It was estimated that it would take staff two years to complete; Automation Anywhere’s RPA bots took two months.

Efficient Plan Scheduling

Efficient Plan Scheduling

Knowing when employees have time booked can improve your planning and maximize efficiency with ease. AstraZeneca had 43,000 employees with poor employee leave oversight. In a pilot rollout of RPA and Workday, they had 1,726 hours capacity released annually, as well as $80K of benefits.

Notify and Stay in the Know

Notify and Stay in the Know

Automatically notify employees when they have used all their vacation or accrued a certain amount. This is another benefit AstraZeneca realized; their RPA implementation includes a bot that creates a meeting invite. The meeting invite automatically blocks the calendars according to leave type and length, so leave is easier to keep track of.

Integrate with Other Programs

Integrate with Other Programs

Combine accrued vacation software systems with the company's finances, planning software, and other automation for error-free decision-making and improved communication. For example, Automation Anywhere works with SAP systems, Workday, ServiceNow, and Slack, to name a few.

Losing control of your vacation accrual processes?

Losing control of your vacation accrual processes?

Automation Anywhere’s cloud-native RPA platform can help clear up your PTO problems.

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Who benefits from vacation accrual automation and PTO tracking for HR?

While HR departments will see a direct benefit from adopting vacation accrual automation and other HR task automation scripts, the entire company will notice the difference. HR will have more time to address the questions and needs of employees.

Employees Throughout the Company

Employees Throughout the Company

Vacation time automation and other HR bots improve the transparency and access to PTO and other benefits. This enhances and builds trust, heightens morale, and ensures they use these benefits with less disruption.

C-Suite and Management

C-Suite and Management

When making decisions about the future, you need data. Otherwise, you're just guessing. Vacation accrual automation and other HR bots allow you to see what benefits employees use most, how much they use them, and when.

Project Management and Scheduling Departments

Project Management and Scheduling Departments

When project management and scheduling professionals know when various departments are short or when specific people are away, you can easily plan and adjust schedules accordingly. You'll be better able to meet project deadlines and delivery dates, making your customers happier.

Accounting and Finance Departments

Accounting and Finance Departments

Nothing can make things more difficult for an accountant than a mistake. Vacation accrual automation integrates with accounting and other financial software programs to better understand your expenses with no additional person-hours required.

Customer Story

We're making sure our approach to intelligent automation is people-centered. This tool should enhance staff engagement and have a positive impact on the work we do.

Neil Picton, Head of Workforce Engagement and Information


Management hours released annually




Decrease in the data input time

How can automating paid time off workflows help the entire organization?

Automated vacation accrual workflows are just the start of HR automated processes for salaried, part-time, and full-time employees. It works with many other bots and automated workflows to improve the HR team's productivity and workflows throughout the organization. And because they're no-code bots, anyone can connect with vacation accrual programs to expand the benefits.

Automated vacation accrual software works flawlessly with:

Back Office Automation and User Portals

Back Office Automation and User Portals

  • Instant access to records for employees and management
  • Bring together remote and in-person team members
  • Gather data and analytics on benefits
  • Combine payroll, benefits, and paid time off
  • Collect and approve requests in seconds
  • Connect easily with payroll and other software
Accounting Automation and Workflows

Accounting Automation and Workflows

  • Automatically track paid time off
  • Project costs and manage cashflow
  • Measure usage and identify efficiencies
  • Process requests instantly
  • Smart document processing
  • Heightened compliance
Project Management Automation

Project Management Automation

  • Improve scheduling
  • Maximize productivity without increasing costs
  • Reduce stress and missed deadlines
  • Align projects with the required expertise
  • Identify projects requiring outside assistance
  • Find areas where additional cross-training and hiring is required
Remote Team Management

Remote Team Management

  • Provide all employees with the same benefits
  • Create a payroll system mobile app
  • Integrate PTO requests and sick days
  • Combine with project management to assign work
  • Integrate remote employees into the company with portals
  • Improve company culture and bonding

What to look for in vacation accrual automation and HR RPA?

How to get started with automated PTO accrual and leave management

Would you like a guided walk-through? Contact one of our automation experts for help exploring the various paid time off programs and HR software options. You can have all your questions answered and see the bots in action.

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More vacation accrual and HR automation resources.


Experience our pre-built bot for tracking vacation accrual and paid time off in action.

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Explore botstore now

Case Study

CPFL optimized HR with bots. Explore their implementation and benefits in this case study.

Read the case study
Read the case study


Santander Consumer Bank streamlines multi-country operations with automated back-office processes.

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