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Continuous improvement and automation are top of mind for enterprises and industry analysts today. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an increasingly important strategic initiative — starting with automating repetitive, rule-based processes. Among those that have already implemented RPA, automating unstructured processes like emails and customer interactions is the next step.

The Everest Group surveyed more than 50 enterprises that use RPA and found that the most successful RPA deployments generated 4x return on investment and 3x resource capacity compared to others. The report, Enterprise RPA Adoption Pinnacle Model Assessment, focuses on what these most successful RPA enterprises — Pinnacle Enterprises — do differently to achieve cost, operational, and business benefits across the organization.

“Our RPA initiative is designed to fund itself. We are looking at efficiency savings as well as improvement in customer experience. We are not reducing FTE cost but making them more efficient by reducing the repetitive nature of work.”
— Head of RPA program, Leading Pharmaceutical Company

 Pinnacle Enterprises realized 4x ROI, 3x resource capacity, 50% improvement, and high business impact by adopting Robotic Process Automation.the-di

Experian, one of many Automation Anywhere customers surveyed for this report, deployed 35 bots across the globe to automate more than 500,000 tasks in an average of four months. Learn from Experian’s insights and best practices from other Pinnacle Enterprises.

Gain insights on RPA.

About Ritu Kapoor

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A growth-focused product marketer, Ritu Kapoor serves as the senior director of product marketing at Automation Anywhere. She enjoys launching new products and evangelizing innovations in the RPA space. 

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