Welcoming new employees on their first day involves a lot more than just handing them an information package and showing them to their workstations. The process requires many people who work in departments such as HR and IT. In addition, because the tasks are complicated and often tedious, onboarding can be difficult for both the company and the new employee.

Developing an effective employee onboarding automation strategy can provide a more positive experience for both employees and companies. By transferring the traditional onboarding process into a digital one, new hires can be mentored and guided through the ins and outs of their new jobs without the hindrance of paperwork or face-to-face meetings.

Automation also guides new hires through the process, helping new individuals learn about the tasks, processes, people, and culture affecting their new job that set it apart from the rest. This helps reduces turnover and benefits both employees and employers.

What are the advantages of employee onboarding automation?

A positive onboarding experience is essential to boost the retention of star talent, but it can be highly complex and time-consuming. Reducing complexity is one place among many where an automated employee onboarding experience can benefit. The results are many benefits you can’t get with manual employee onboarding processes.

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory Compliance

Data protection is an important consideration when processing employee data. Processing confidential and PII data automatically and locally with bots reduces the risk of a data breach. In addition, secure bots can’t steal or misuse the information, which helps your company meet regulatory compliance for data security and protects employee information.

Reduce Complexity and Delays

Reduce Complexity and Delays

Pulling information, creating profiles, onboarding a new employee, and moving across multiple departments. Automation Anywhere’s RPA platform reduces complexity by enabling the departments to collaborate on requests and automate tasks from a single screen. As HR finishes, the request is routed to the next department, reducing bottlenecks.

Extended Onboarding for Higher-Quality Training

Extended Onboarding for Higher-Quality Training

Automated employee onboarding can be used to track the new employee's progress from their point of view, sending a survey after they’ve completed their first day, 30 days, and 90 days. This can be essential for refining your onboarding process and helping quickly identify any issues the employee is having.

Optimal Learning and Working Environment

Optimal Learning and Working Environment

Human resources employees and new hires can quickly become overwhelmed by the amount of information they're expected to absorb in their onboarding workflow. A coordinated effort using automation, human support, and education can help new hires adjust to their roles faster, reducing job stress and improving retention.

Move From Learning to Doing

Move From Learning to Doing

Automated employee onboarding can be designed to walk new hires through a range of processes at once and then test what knowledge has been gained throughout the process. This information can help management support new employees by tracking their progress and providing helpful feedback or testing for mistakes.

Department and Software Integration

Department and Software Integration

Employee data onboarding programs work flawlessly with other departments and their programs. As a result, they can avoid going back over information already covered; databases such as benefits enrollment are automatically updated, and all of the onboarding can be done at once without disrupting other company areas.

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Discover how RPA can help your business.

See how RPA with Automation Anywhere simplifies the employee onboarding process.

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Who benefits from automated employee onboarding?

While traditionally, employee onboarding automation programs are thought to be solely for the benefit of HR departments, the entire company will experience the advantages of this software. Combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), employee automation programs increase the confidence in new employees, reduce turnover rates, and allow the entire company to do more with lower time investment.

Accounting Departments

Accounting Departments

Employee automation is a digital workforce that walks new employees through payroll setup, benefits enrollment, retirement programs, stock options, etc. So, when the accounting department or bookkeepers process the employee's pay or other needs, the information is already available and ready to go.

IT Team

IT Team

Using bots, IT departments in the back office can track employees' allocation needs. For example, they can coordinate procurement of functional computers synchronized with the office WiFi, an ID card, and other assets freshly minted employees need on the first day of work.

Company Management and Leaders

Company Management and Leaders

Companies often avoid cross-training due to the high costs and time requirements. You can customize automated employee onboarding software specifically for this purpose and drastically reduce the time lost during the cross-training process.

Customer Service Departments

Customer Service Departments

When customer service agents notice a recurring problem or an area lacking within the company, they can notify HR. They can adjust the employee onboarding and training programs to improve the service customers receive, improving the company overall.

Dell boosts HR productivity with Workday by 85%

Customer Story

We have a large, varying amount of automations—some are very complex, and some are pretty simple. We really try to change the way we work by implementing these automations.

Joe Cotnoir, Director HRIS—Business Process Enablement


efficiency gaines


Automations in HR deployed in 2019 alone


Automation-first mindset

How employee onboarding technologies can help your business?

The best onboarding programs offer employees numerous opportunities to interact with managers, co-workers, and leadership teams to ensure they receive the support they need to succeed. These programs can be integrated with other automated processes in your business to ensure every employee has what they need to thrive and add value for your customers.

Accounting Process Automation

Accounting Process Automation

  • Submit payment and employee information
  • Manage healthcare applications
  • Enroll in benefit programs
  • Timesheet and time management system
  • Automated signup and account setup
  • Identifying efficiencies and matching programs to employees
Intelligent Document Processing

Intelligent Document Processing

  • Schedule document delivery
  • Track document opening and consumption
  • Test for comprehension and identify areas for further learning
  • Instantly create digital help agents for additional support
  • Create custom learning paths for advancement
  • Analyze documentation to find efficiencies and areas for improvement
Patient data and experience

Automated Work Performance Tracking

  • Bots that create checklists and task lists
  • Set deadlines that make sense
  • Send notifications and messages with additional resources
  • Gather metrics and track progress to monitor time-management
  • Compare work, costs, and time management to KPIs and measurable goals
  • Instantly identify process changes and document depreciation
Employee Satisfaction Assessment Tools

Employee Satisfaction Assessment Tools

  • Pinpoint areas of frustration and provide help
  • Make it easy for employees to use their skills and contribute
  • Offer avenues for feedback and complaints
  • Identify areas that require improved usability
  • See what's missing from current onboarding processes
  • Alert HR team to potential flight risks, increasing the chance of retention

What to look for in employee onboarding automation software?

How to get started with RPA for automated employee onboarding?

You can speak with one of our experienced RPA bot automation professionals to discuss the various options available for automated employee onboarding. They're happy to answer any questions you might have, discuss your needs, and create a custom automation solution that best suits your company to help you start your digital transformation journey.

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Employee onboarding automation resources.


Six common human resources departments processes are ready for automation.

Read the blog
Read the blog

Case Study

Explore CPFL Energia's digital transformation for integrating employee onboarding and hr processes.

Read the case study
Read the case study


Discover how Automation Anywhere orchestrates employee onboarding for both in-person and remote new hires with a personalized touch.

Read the blog
Read the blog


Unveil Hays Recruitment's approach to enhancing business through employee onboarding.

Watch the video
Watch the video

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