Across every application of ERP systems, automating ERP processes with the only complete Digital Workforce platform delivers clear bottom-line benefits—cost savings, 100% accuracy, and faster processing speeds, along with enhanced compliance, controls and auditability. Apply RPA to ERP processes and discover flexible and scalable workforce capacity plus real-time analytics and business intelligence.

RPA improves ERP processes across the business:

  • Human Resources: RPA can automate every aspect of the employee lifecycle process, from recruiting to onboarding to career development and more.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Enhance customer experience (CX) with automation to increase call center efficacy and improve CSat.
  • Supply Chain: RPA can lower labor costs and improve your company’s competitive position.
  • Manufacturing: RPA can improve inventory management, procurement, and order processing plus provide data to manage—and optimize—manufacturing production.
  • Finance & Accounting: Automate financial and accounting processes, eliminate human-error factor, and improve compliance with RPA preset to reporting requirements.
  • Business Intelligence: RPA delivers real-time process-level data analytics to help enhance agility and improve critical decision making.

Explore how RPA can automate your ERP processes

체험하기 Automation Anywhere


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