
As innovations in life sciences continue to accelerate, it’s more difficult than ever to develop a competitive edge. That’s why leading life science companies are rapidly adopting AI and automation to reduce costs, shorten time to market, and keep employees focused on high-value work.

But not every automation solution is created equal. Document Automation from Automation Anywhere uses cognitive automation to bring new levels of intelligence and speed to critical areas of life science. In this webinar, you’ll learn how RPA combined with Document Automation eliminates manual processes in complaint handling, regulatory, clinical research and commercialization. In this exclusive webinar, we’ll take a deep dive into how it works. Discover how companies are using Document Automation to eliminate the burden of reading and processing documents and emails, freeing up more time to focus on customer-centric activities.

Join Catherine Calarco, Sr. Director at Industry Strategy Life Sciences and Avi Bhagtani, Director, Product Marketing AI & Cognitive, as they explain how cognitive automation a true game-changer for customer advocacy is (complaint handling or customer support).

تجربة Automation Anywhere


تسجيل الاشتراك للحصول على وصول سريع إلى العرض التوضيحي الكامل والمخصص للمنتج

للطلاب والمطورين

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