It’s easy to think of use case scenarios in the back office where RPA can be helpful: automating forms to reduce input errors, rapidly submitting insurance claims and resolving claim kick-backs, scheduling or rescheduling appointments, etc. However, what if RPA could go beyond the back office to really make a difference for your doctors, nurses, and other clinical employees?

Our panel of healthcare industry experts and practitioners will share real-world examples of how RPA can impact clinical operations, such as:

  • Gaining visibility into and transferring data across multiple different systems to reduce risk and optimize organizational performance

  • Tracking the expenditure and results of healthcare dollars to demonstrate value and quality

  • Monitoring, enforcing, and reporting on quality, safety, security, and compliance measures

الاشتراك لمشاهدة الندوة عبر الإنترنت

تجربة Automation Anywhere


تسجيل الاشتراك للحصول على وصول سريع إلى العرض التوضيحي الكامل والمخصص للمنتج

للطلاب والمطورين

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