
"These Product and Services Specific Terms may be changed or updated from time to time by AAI, and the version applicable to you shall be that version in effect on the most recent date of purchase of the applicable product or service, as reflected in the corresponding Order Form."

Complaints, Concerns and Questions.

If you have any questions about the Sites, please email us at webmaster@automationanywhere.com If you have any complaints or concerns about these Terms, please email us at legal@automationanywhere.com or write to us at the address below to engage in good faith resolution before further escalation.

Automation Anywhere, Inc.
Attn: Legal Department
P.O. Box 640007
San Jose, CA 95164

Process Discovery (FortressIQ)

The following terms apply to AAI's Process Discovery and are governed by and supplement the terms and conditions of AAI's Cloud Automation Agreement, available at cloud automation agreement, or such other cloud agreement negotiated between AAI and Customer (the “Agreement”). Terms capitalized but not defined herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Agreement.

“Authorized User” means each of the individuals (including employees, officers, directors, partners, agents, consultants, and advisors of Customer) authorized in writing, or through the security designation, to Use the SaaS Services by or on behalf of Customer pursuant to Section 1.1 below.

“Credit” means data collected for a period of one (1) Active Day from one (1) Observer. “Active Day” means any day (midnight to midnight UTC) during which an Observer collects a meaningful level of process data, including business days, non-business days and holidays; one (1) Credit is debited for any Active Day in which 200 or more events are collected. If there are days where there are less than 200 events collected, such day is not considered an Active Day. Customer shall have the number of Credits stated in the Order Form. Credits must be used within the then-existing subscription term and, if unused, shall expire at the end of such subscription term. Processing and analysis of collected data is included with each Credit. Once a Credit is used, data collection on the machine is complete. If additional data collection on the machine is desired, new Credits will apply.

“Documentation” means any manuals, instructions or other documents or materials that AAI makes generally available with the SaaS Services.

“Observer” means the unique combination of machine and username.

“Permitted Use” means the parameters for the number of machines on which the Software Sensor and PEG are installed, and the number of Credits analyzed by the SaaS Software, as described in the Order Form. The Permitted Use parameters help ensure a sufficient variety and quantity of data is processed by the SaaS Software to allow the SaaS Software to perform its tasks.

“Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG)” means an AAI on-premises appliance that resides on Customer's internal systems which redacts sensitive data that's included in video frames collected by the AAI desktop sensor. This redaction occurs within Customer's own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) before the redacted data is forwarded to the SaaS Software.

“SaaS Services” means, collectively, AAI's Process Discovery software-as-a-service applications, including SaaS Software, Software Sensor and PEG (as applicable) as described in the Documentation and subscribed to under an Order Form.

“SaaS Software” means the Process Discovery software-as-a-service which AAI provides to Customer, as described in the Order Form.

“Software Sensor” means the AAI on-premises, distributed software program (or bot) installed by Customer on machines in the Territory used by Customer personnel whose work-flow tasks will be assessed by the SaaS Software as described in the Order Form. The Software Sensor does not require interaction with Authorized Users to perform its tasks.

“Territory” is defined in the Order Form.

“Use” means to take any action or perform any operation or set of operations that the SaaS Services are capable of taking or performing, on any data, information or other content, including to collect, access, receive, input, upload, download, record, reproduce, store, organize, compile, combine, log, catalog, cross-reference, manage, maintain, process, retrieve, output, consult, perform, display, disseminate, transmit, submit, post, transfer, disclose or otherwise provide or make available, or block, erase or destroy. “Using” and “Used” have correlative meanings.

  • 1.

    Access and Use.

    • 1.1

      Access and Use.

      • (a)

        Software Sensor and PEG. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, AAI grants Customer a non-exclusive and non-transferable (except pursuant to assignment), license to, and to permit its Authorized Users to, reproduce and install the Software Sensor and PEG, on multiple machines in the Territory under the control of Customer, solely in accordance with the Permitted Use and Documentation. AAI shall deliver the Software Sensor and PEG to Customer electronically promptly following the Effective Date. Subject to this Agreement, Customer or its Authorized Users may make one (1) back-up archival copy of the Software Sensor and PEG for each installation. Customer may activate its back-up copy only in the event that the primary instance is unavailable, and only for the duration of such unavailability.

      • (b)

        SaaS Software. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, AAI shall provide to Customer and its Authorized Users access to and Use of the SaaS Software on a non-exclusive and non-transferable (except pursuant to assignment) basis, solely in accordance with the Documentation.

    • 1.2

      Use of PEG. Customer shall be responsible for the setup and operation of PEG, with assistance from AAI as requested, and shall make determinations as to the types of Customer Confidential Information and Customer Data (collectively, for purposes of this section, “Sensitive Information”) to be irreversibly masked using PEG. Customer shall use best efforts, utilizing PEG, to irreversibly mask Sensitive Information so that it is not sent to AAI's cloud environment.

A+ Tokens Terms & Conditions

Last Modified: January 2021

Automation Anywhere, Inc. (“AAI”) A+ Tokens are pre-paid tokens that customers can use to redeem against a published set of individual A+ Accelerators. Each A+ Accelerator is a fixed, outcome-based offering that can be consumed at any point along the customer’s digital automation journey. They are not a time & materials-based services engagement. All A+ Accelerator packages shall be subject to a dually executed Master Services Agreement or other acceptable governing agreement, such as an AAI On-Premise License Agreement or Cloud Automation Agreement (a “Governing Agreement”)


  • The subscription term for the A+ Tokens starts on the Order Start Date and ends on the Order End Date as per the applicable Order Form.
  • Any unused tokens will expire at the end of the subscription term and cannot be refunded or carried forward.

Redeeming A+ Tokens:

  • A+ Tokens are non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for any product licenses or services offering that is outside of the A+ Accelerator catalog.
  • A+ Accelerators can be requested through the AAI customer success manager or the account manager.
  • A+ Accelerators can be consumed at any point during the subscription term but can only be consumed one at a time per customer.
  • A+ Accelerators are subject to geographic availability and are currently available in English.
  • AAI will be periodically expanding the A+ Accelerator catalog (library) and reserves the right to modify the individual A+ Accelerator at its sole discretion.

Delivery of A+ Accelerators:

  • A+ Accelerators will be delivered remotely.
  • A+ Accelerators will be delivered during normal business hours, which is Monday-Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM in a time zone local to the customer, subject to geographic availability. Weekends and holidays are not included in normal business hours.
  • There is no intellectual property transfer when delivering accelerators given that they are advisory in nature. Each party shall retain all rights to their own intellectual property.
  • All data privacy policies shall be subject to the appropriate Governing Agreement.

A+ Token Balance:

  • Customer is responsible for managing the balance on their A+ Tokens and can reach out to the customer success manager for balance status.
  • Customer can purchase additional A+ Tokens at any time during their subscription term following the same approach as buying licenses from AAI.

A+ Accelerators

Last Modified: August 2022

Automation Anywhere, Inc. (“AAI”) A+ Accelerators are fixed, outcome-based offerings that can be consumed at any point along the customer’s digital automation journey. They are not a time & materials-based services engagement. All A+ Accelerator packages shall be subject to a dually executed Master Services Agreement or other acceptable governing agreement, such as an AAI On-Premise License Agreement or Cloud Automation Agreement (a “Governing Agreement”).

For additional information regarding the A+ Accelerator packages being purchased, please refer to our current catalog: a-plus-accelerators-catalog.pdf

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